Hogwarts virtual race at Disneyland

This past Friday was Harry Potter’s birthday and what better way to celebrate it is by doing a Hogwarts virtual race at Disneyland. I’ve mentioned the Hogwarts Running Club  in a previous post. If you aren’t familiar with them you sign up, they send you your medal, and you do your miles anywhere and anytime. 

We signed up for the Department of Mysteries 6.2442 race and decided to do our race in California Adventure and Disneyland.  So two Hufflepuffs, a Slytherin, and a Ravenclaw finished and took a picture with a mouse. 

Minnie and medals

I also took a picture by the castle. 


here is a close up of the medal

It was a lot of fun. I already signed up for the next virtual race Platform 9 3/4k race.  The race cost 28.25 including the service fee. I highly recommend doing them and sign up quickly before it sells out. Here is the medal you’ll receive. 
Thanks for reading! Have a magical day 😊✨

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